Global Mission Resources
What will you do to take the next step in missions? The following resources can help you to get started!
- From Jerusalem to Iran Jaya by Ruth A. Tucker
- Finish the Mission: Bringing the Gospel to the Unreached and Unengaged by John Piper and David Mathis
- To the Golden Shore: The Life of Adoniram Judson by Courtney Anderson
- Let the Nations Be Glad by John Piper
- Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot
- Amy Carmichael by Kathleen White
- John G. Paton by James Paton
- Mind For Missions: Ten Ways to Build Your World Vision by Paul Borthwick
- Voice of the Martyrs magazine
- Amy Carmichael: Rescuer By Night by Kay Walsh
- Helen Roseveare: The Doctor Who Kept Going No Matter What by Laura Caputo-Wickham
- Betty Greene: Wings to Serve by Geoff Benge
- Chariots to China: A Story of Eric Liddell by Denise Williamson
- Eric Liddell: Running for a Higher Prize by Renee Meloche
- Gladys Aylward: The Adventure of a Lifetime by Janet Benge
- Hudson Taylor: The Missionary Who Won a Nation by Prayer by Marlee Alex
- John G. Paton: South Sea Island Rescue by Kay Walsh
- Martin Luther: The German Monk Who Changed the Church by Ben Alex
- Young Readers; Trailblazers; Christian Heroes: Then & Now; Heroes of Faith and Courage (Series)
- Pioneers-USA Missions Videos
- Joshua Project Unreached Peoples Videos
“Biblical Basis of Missions, God’s Heart for the Nations, Global Frontier
Missions” and “What is a UPG?/Global Frontier Missions” - “Risk It All for Christian Mission” by David Platt
- “Divine Sovereignty: the Fuel of Death Defying Missions” by John Piper
- “Make Your Life Count: The Greatest Missions Letter Ever Written” by John Piper
- “Your Entire Life is a Mission Trip” by David Platt
- “Don’t Waste Your Life” by John Piper
- For a willingness to serve
- For more workers to go
- For our short-term missions teams and long-term global ministry partners
- With your children and grandchildren
- For the world
- For the persecuted church – Find a global prayer guide here.
- Using prayer card games – Find ideas for games here.

Psalm 67:1-3
Psalm 96:1-4
Genesis 12:1-3
1 Chronicles 16:24 (or 23-27)
Matthew 28:18-20
John 17:18-21
Acts 1:8
Romans 10:13-15
- Develop a time of daily worship, being faithful in the essential disciplines of prayer and Bible reading. Any form of Christian service must be done in the power of the Holy Spirit, not in our own strength.
- Ask God for a humble heart that serves and puts others first.
- Share Christ with neighbors, family, friends, co-workers.
- Talk to your church leaders about serving on your Global Ministries Team (missions committee).
- Host international students.
- Give missions books to children and adults as gifts.
- Learn about other cultures. Try new foods and music.
- Buy basic supplies for global ministry partners (missionaries) when they come to the US for visits.
- Participate in short-term missions.
- Pay off personal debt.
- Get involved in discipling, teaching, and ministry. Serve in a new role, especially in one that gets you out of your comfort zone.
- Correspond with a missionary via social media, text or email. See your church leaders for more information about safe wording.
- Sign up to receive prayer updates from our global ministry partners.
- Give to the global ministries fund.
- Volunteer at local ministries or nonprofits.
- Learn a new language through a bilingual contact, an app or a local course.
- Chat online with the unreached who want to practice their English. Ask your leaders for info or check out the Crescent Project.
- Invite someone – child or grandchild, friend, or spouse – to take the next step along with you
- Attend in a training or conference with a friend or group!

We want to hear about your interest in missions!
Contact Board of Missions Director Jim MacArthur for an informal conversation.